Demand Justice for Frankie!

Judge Washburn is Incompetent, Gullible, and Unlawful

Demand a New Judge, a Jury Trial & Return Frankie’s Ranch

Frankie was “the future of the Air Force” and “her initiative and drive are limitless.” She was Airman of the Year, as a single mother of three children, while supporting her mother, her sisters and her extended family.

Judge Washburn Allowed “Hispanic Culture” to Override AZ Law!

Judge Washburn disrespected Frankie’s Memory and Legacy!

Judge Washburn Ignored the Felonies and Fraud Committed by Two Wicked Sisters & Two Disgraceful Sons!

Judge Washburn Allows “Hispanic Culture” to Override AZ Law!

Two wicked sisters and two disgraceful sons used “Hispanic Culture” to seize control of Frankie’s estate. In sworn testimony, a Wicked Sister admitted they used “Hispanic Culture” as a justification to take control of Frankie’s Estate.

A Wicked Sister testified that “he [Disgraceful son] was the eldest of the three boys and normally in Hispanic Culture, that’s the person that takes charge and we [Two Wicked Sisters and Two Disgraceful Sons] just automatically did that as a cultural thing.”

Disgraceful Son Illegally Wanted Frankie’s $50K Cash Assets the Day of Frankie’s Funeral!

Disgraceful “son” attempts to take control of Frankie’s cash savings of over $50,000.00 in Chase Bank, violating AZ Probate Law- the day of Frankie’s funeral!

This Disgraceful “Son” would not even let the dirt settle on Frankie’s grave before he wanted to get his greedy hands on her cash savings!

Incompetent Judge Washburn Asleep At The Bench!

Wicked Sister Blames Frankie’s Death on Devoted Veteran Son!

A Wicked Sister asked, “Did you have a hand in her death…,” to Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son.

What kind of SCUM blames the passing of a mother on her son!? This Wicked Sister is the lowest of the LOW to blame Frankie’s death on her Devoted Veteran Son! She is SCUM!

Judge Washburn, asleep on the bench, ignored this evidence proving what SCUM they are!

Wicked Sisters Destroy Frankie’s Home & Legacy!

Four days after Frankie passed away, the Two Wicked Sisters pushed the County to destroy Frankie’s Home. The Two Wicked Sisters wanted to seize control of Frankie’s property and horses.

Judge Washburn ignored the irrefutable evidence proving the Two Wicked Sisters acted illegally and immorally to destroy Frankie’s home.

Frankie’s home was demolished, her Legacy lost, and her Ranch was sold because Two Wicked Sisters and Two Disgraceful Sons didn’t follow AZ Law.

Judge Washburn is so Gullible and Incompetent, he cannot recognize Facts!

Two Wicked Sisters Charged Frankie’s Estate $6,750.00 a month!

Two Wicked Sisters, after illegally seizing control of Frankie’s Estate, charged Frankie’s Estate $6,750.00 a month!

Two Wicked Sisters wanted $6,750.00 a month to look after 7 horses, 10 dogs, cats, on a small, modest ranch in Stanfield, AZ.

Incompetent Judge Washburn ignored Evidence and just blindly accepted Wicked Sisters Lies!

Disgraceful Son Attacked Frankie!

Youngest Disgraceful Son physically attacked Frankie with a rifle in 2012. He was arrested and charged with Domestic Violence. This Disgraceful Son physically attacked Frankie on the day that Frankie passed away.

Compassionately, Frankie was trying to help her Youngest Disgraceful Son stabilize his life.

Judge Washburn ignored the irrefutable evidence proving this Disgraceful Son caused Frankie grievous emotional, physical and financial harm.

Judge Washburn is to Incompetent to recognize a violent offender who abuses his own mother!

Disgraceful Son Took 50% of Frankie’s

Disability Income for a Vacation!

This Disgraceful Son took a $5,000.00 check from Frankie to go on a vacation! Someone needs to tell him Elder Abuse is against the law!

This Disgraceful Son took $5,000.00 from a UASF Retired Disabled Veteran for a vacation, while Frankie went without basic necessities. At Frankie’s Eulogy, this Disgraceful Son’s first words were, “it was hard to love my mother…”

Judge Washburn is to Incompetent to recognize Elder Abuse!

Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son Offered to Buy a Home for his Mother

Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son worked on Frankie’s ranch in the 1990’s to get her retirement home ready in AZ. When Frankie fell ill and endured hard times, he got a job in college and sent her money from CA.

Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son remained in AZ for a decade to be sure his mother was properly cared for. He even offered to buy a home for his mother in 2009, so they could live together- so she could live carefree, healthy and happy.

Judge Washburn is to Incompetent to recognize a Devoted Sons Love for his Mother!

Disgraceful Sons & Wicked Sisters Left Frankie’s Grave UNMARKED

Two Disgraceful Sons and Two Wicked Sisters didn’t even bother to put a gravestone on Frankie’s grave! They left her grave UNMARKED for SIX YEARS! They lied for years and years in court, but never cared enough about Frankie to give her a gravestone. They would have left Frankie’s grave go UNMARKED FOR ALL TIME!

Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son personally installed a gravestone for Frankie- to respect Frankie’s Memory and Legacy, and to respect a US Citizen who faithfully served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Frankie’s Disowned Two Wicked Sisters Long Ago

Frankie had disowned her Two Wicked Sisters, but they committed Perjury in court, saying they were on the “good terms” with Frankie.

In 1992, Frankie wrote her mother disowning her wicked sisters. Frankie said that I do not wish to see your children again, “…as your other children, who have forsaken me for their own reasons…”

Judge Washburn is to Incompetent to recognize Facts and Evidence!

Wicked Sister Threatened Frankie’s Life

Frankie once told her Devoted Veteran Son that a Wicked Sister, who lives adjacent to her, that the Wicked Sister said, “it would be easy to take you out to the desert and you would disappear.”

One Wicked Sister even threatened to kill Frankie five times, when Frankie tied to get her horses back from the Wicked Sister.

Judge Washburn is so Guillible he believies LIARS!

Wicked Sister Didn’t Get Help for Frankie the Day Frankie Passed Away

Wicked Sister said that Frankie called her the day Frankie passed away, but the Wicked Sister didn’t call the VA Crisis Hotline or Emergency Services to get Frankie HELP!!??!!??

On the day Frankie passed away, when Frankie was reaching out for help, this Wicked Sister just let Frankie suffer and suffer and SUFFER!!

Only a callous, uncaring SCUM fails to call Emergency Services when a family member is distressed!

What would have happened if this Wicked Sister SCUM had just called the Veterans Crisis Hotline!? THIS WICKED SISTER DIDNT CARE ABOUT FRANKIE’s WELFARE! SHE LET FRANKIE SUFFER!!

Two Wicked Sisters Financially Exploited Frankie, as far back as 1978!

Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son discovered the Two Wicked Sisters had exploited Frankie as far back as 1978, because Frankie kept all her bank records and checkbooks!

As far back as 1978, when Frankie was a single mother of three and newly enlisted in the Air Force, Frankie provided financial support to her Two Wicked Sisters, but they took advantage of her goodwill.

Frankie sent money to Wicked Sisters for “emergencies” when the wicked sisters were just out of high school. How can a Wicked Sister have three emergencies in three consecutive months!?!

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Paid for by the Justice for Frankie, LLC Corp ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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